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Content Provider: Selected Short Prose Pieces, 20112016 | Stewart Lee
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Over the last few years, often when David Mitchell has been on holiday, the comedian Stewart Lee has been attempting to understand modern Britain in a weekly newspaper column. Why are there so few right-wing stand-ups? Who was Grant Shapps? What does your Spotify playlist data say about you? Are Jeremy Corbyn and Stewart Lee really the new Christs? And so on. Introduced, annotated and, where necessary, explained by the author, Content Provider is funny, grumpy and provocative.
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If satire was poetry, these collected articles show Lee has the comedy writing equivalent of a poet‘s beautiful turn of phrase. Surreal and bizarre humour dismantles the absurdity of British politics while trolling unsuspecting Guardian readers. However, being roughly 10 years old, it‘s quite distressing & no longer funny to see clowns like Cameron, Gove & Johnson, went on to oversee the Brexit & Covid disasters: Killing the people and the country

Bookwomble I had similar feelings after reading this. I've got his next collection to read, perhaps in the New Year. 9mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble it‘s taken me a year to read😂 Usually read one or two articles between other books 9mo
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Being reminded of the awful acts of vandalism perpetrated by David Cameron's government is rather painfully masochistic, though somewhat ameliorated by Stewart Lee's absurdist satire.
Recalling my despair that despite overwhelming evidence of incompetence, dishonesty and corruption, my fellow country folk re-elected the Tories in the worst ever prime ministerial regeneration, the ramshackle 55th PM, JB, I do wonder if they will ever be voted out🫤

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Snorting at Stew's childish innuendo that revisionist claims Margaret Thatcher had wanted "to open back door negotiations with the IRA" was actually code for her allowing anal sex on her husband's birthday!
This is a collection of Lee's newspaper columns, with examples of the completely-missing-the-point criticisms from internet detractors.
The cover photo is obviously an old one as, having seen him last week, he's since let himself go...

The_Book_Ninja I‘m so worried I‘m subconsciously stalking you! I‘m halfway through Content Provider. Reading an article a night. And I practically dragged my wife to Snowflake/Tornado at Royal Festival Hall last year. 1y
The_Book_Ninja My cover is red, by the way 1y
The_Book_Ninja So far, the one where he rewrote other peoples articles replacing “alcohol” with “crisps” killed me 1y
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja We're on the same wavelength! When we saw him last week, he apologised to the women in the audience for them being forced to attend 😄 I'm just on the crisps one - funny!! 1y
The_Book_Ninja He‘s our greatest living comedian. Protect him at all costs. He mustn‘t let himself go anymore…He‘s starting to look like a squashed Albert Finney. 1y
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