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The Town with No Mirrors
The Town with No Mirrors | Christina Collins
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In a modern-day utopian community where mirrors, photos, and even words like beautiful and ugly are forbidden, a girl who has never seen her own face harbors a guilty curiosity about the outside world. A thoughtful exploration of self-image in a world familiar to readers of The Giver and The List. Zailey has never seen her own face. She's never seen her reflection, or a photo of herself, or even a drawing. In the special community of Gladder Hill, cameras and mirrors are forbidden: it's why everyone's happier here. Nobody talks about anyone else's appearance. You're not supposed to even think about what other people look like, or what you look like. But Zailey does. She knows her superficial thoughts are wrong, and her sketchbook, filled with secret portraits of her classmates and neighbors, could get her in trouble. Yet she can't help but think those thoughts, and be curious about the outside world where she once lived, years ago. Most of all, she wonders what it's like to see herselfher own face. When Zailey suddenly finds herself beyond the gates of her town, she has a chance to see if what she's been taught about the outside world is true and search for the mother she barely remembers. Only then will she find out the real story about Gladder Hill. But is she prepared for the truth?
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Town with No Mirrors | Christina Collins
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#BookReport #MiddleGradeMarch #dontjudgeabookbyitscover All of my books this week were 4 and 4.5 Stars. It was difficult to choose a favorite. I decided on The Town With No Mirrors; a middle grade dystopian about of the importance of body image. It was quite unique.

The Town with No Mirrors | Christina Collins
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Imagine a town where mirrors or any reflective surfaces are prohibited(water, shiny structures, glass, etc). You can see others but not yourself. Any language that describes appearance is not allowed: attractive, slender, handsome, plump, gorgeous. But Zailey loves to draw faces, if only she could keep them hidden. MG soft pick

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#20in4Readathon @Andrew65 Day 3

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Seems intriguing. 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 🤗💗😀 1y
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