A refreshing take on Frankenstein without over-utilizing the source material. A fascinating venture into the ethical dilemmas of science.
A refreshing take on Frankenstein without over-utilizing the source material. A fascinating venture into the ethical dilemmas of science.
Beautifully crafted story that is a kind of sequel to Frankenstein, set in the mid-Victorian period featuring an angry woman scientist stifled by her husband and patriarchal notions about women's intelligence. Wonderful characters (including a villain very worthy of your hate!) as well as queer representation, which I wish was a little more explicit at the end. There is also content about grief here that was superbly done. (CW infant death)
I don‘t know- maybe historical fiction isn‘t for me. I always get so aggravated.
It‘s a pick only because the MC doesn‘t take shit… most of the time. Also because of the ‘hideous progeny‘ in question and location made me laugh once it clicked. You‘ll get it if you read, if not, I‘ll spoil in the comments.
The great-niece of Victor Frankenstein, Mary Sutherland and her profligate husband, Henry embark of an effort to replicate the creation of life while hoping to avoid the horrors of her great-uncle‘s work. A rival scientist joins them, plotting to steal their work. Henry‘s sister, Masie, offers Mary the possibility of redemption. The monster: a dinosaur! “… snatched fire from the gods … and it was only a matter of time before we began to burn.”