This story follows an unlikely friend group of a mole, a toad, a rat, and a badger who go through the woods and nature to navigate different challenges and enjoy the beauty of nature.
This story follows an unlikely friend group of a mole, a toad, a rat, and a badger who go through the woods and nature to navigate different challenges and enjoy the beauty of nature.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.“ - Kenneth Grahame
The adventures of Mole, Rat, and the other animals by the river fascinated me. This book created a connection between the love for nature, the simple pleasures of life, and the bonds of friendship
Kenneth Grahame's story about animals is a great choice for discussing teamwork, friendship, and the beauty of nature. It's also an opportunity to look at how the author describes characters and their personalities.
When I realized my library has this story available in multiple forms, none too long, I had to give it a try. The good news is, reading the graphic novel adaptation so soon after the original novel means I could skim the text and just enjoy the art. Small bits cut out, but no drastic departure from the original. I think I like this iteration of Toad slightly more because of the way he's drawn.