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Joined June 2022

Funny fantasy, good robots, sci fi for speculating (not 'space war'), Greek myth retellings, final girls, 'good guy' detectives, ace&agender rep
Ancillary Justice | Ann Leckie
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Marsha Is Magnetic | Beth Ferry
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Sweet and funny and beautifully illustrated with a perennially important message.

Marsha Is Magnetic | Beth Ferry
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Confident lil' scientist bean. 🥹😁

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Tiny Orange Hen bias! 🧡 I am susceptible too. ☺️

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Spy x Family, Vol. 11 | Tatsuya Endo
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Well, damn! This is definitely heavier content than I'm used to from this series. I'm not sure how it successfully made the transition from gallows humour to social commentary to a touching ending (and then the cliffhanger about Damian's mom's inner monologue, whaaat?) but considering this series has consistently delivered humour, violence and sweet family moments, this is really just kicking those components up a notch. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 Just so nobody who would find the content triggering goes in unawares: the multi issue plot in this volume is a bunch of children made hostages on school buses, two end up with bombs strapped to them, their lives are threatened multiple times, there are guns, and the backstory for one of the hostage takers involves the death of his daughter. Ye be warned! 6h
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Outrageous and I love it for that. There's dark humour but there's also outlandish hijinks and I am here for the mix. Don't get me wrong, this is a novel about failed spies, a number are unlikeable and most are haunted in one way or another. My memory is that the last book in the series was particularly heavy (hence my long break between books), and I appreciate that this one had a bit more silly among the cloak and dagger and human tragedy. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? Flawed individuals all, but as much as Jackson Lamb is abrasive and dogged in reminding the 'slow horses' of their faults, the author manages to display some mistakes in a compassionate light. The aspiring politician who fell from grace because he wanted to help his brother, the ex-con who was provided a chance to do better and only fell into folly because he was trying to help. 18h
Robotswithpersonality 3/? I was particularly struck by Herron's wording prefacing the memorial service scene: “This is what London and its sister cities have learned: that hate crime pollutes the soul, but only the souls of those who commit it. When those who mourn stand together, their separate chimes sounding in unison if only for a moment, they remain unstained.“ 18h
Robotswithpersonality 4/? Despite the metric ton of cynicism, this book falls into the grand tradition of a mystery with people trying to do good up against those who have decided to do bad. Whether the ones doing good ARE good is another matter.
This entry is definitely an ensemble piece. If you'd asked me after the first book who the main character is, I'd have said River Cartwright.
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Robotswithpersonality 5/? Subsequently, each book has focused a bit more on different characters, but I think the main thread is the forceful personality of Jackson Lamb. Wouldn't want to meet him, but happy to have him corral the struggling spooks and solve the puzzles. I'd say if you find Hawthorne from the Horowitz mysteries infuriating in his attitudes, you're not going to like reading about Lamb. 18h
Robotswithpersonality 6/? Sincerely hoping Roddy learns a valuable lesson, and that Shirley doesn't backslide too far. I like the breadcrumbs sprinkled for River and Catherine, revelations that could lead to further developments in future books. 😉 18h
Robotswithpersonality 7/? Some details reflecting the time of publication and prevailing attitudes towards certain minority groups, though not necessarily the views of the author, because I feel like they need their own warning:
1) the terrorists being indoctrinated, incompetent young men from North Korea
2) the model minority Muslim mayoral candidate turning out to be a drinker who pays for illegal IDs for a not-dead radicalized relative to disappear
Robotswithpersonality 8/? any acknowledgement of any wrongdoing
3) a politician having his career threatened via evidence that he chose to wear traditionally feminine clothing/did drag in a club, because the one threatening knows it wouldn't be accepted by his constituents, even if it's acknowledged there's nothing wrong with it, because the politician has some pretty repugnantly conservative views in other areas
Robotswithpersonality 9/9 4) Man with acknowledged mental health concerns presented as 'possibly a psychopath' who gets a bit chipper after killing someone on purpose or accidentally

⚠️animal death, racism, Islamophobia, terrorism, drug addiction, dementia, ableism
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Violent slot machine! 😅🍒🍎🍇

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Nasty, pointy, bite-y geometry?

BRZRKR Vol. 2 SC | Matt Kindt, Keanu Reeves
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Oh, yes please. The blend of sci fi how could technology help to figure out the origins of immortality - and history/archaeology - looking back on how the continuity of an unkillable human would affect the civilizations they interact with, the flow of myths, information, even artifacts. And then there's the plight of the immortal warrior - so much loss and no rest - and then there's the very well plotted/paced intrigue 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 around what the scientists are up to and the well-choreographed gore fests that are Unute's every outing. Glad I'll be able to get the next volume from my library soon, honestly a little bummed that it's the last one in the series. Here's hoping Reeves' book with China Mieville really does build on this series, because I'd love to see the premise further expanded upon!

⚠️stillbirth, death in childbirth
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Continuing the creepy vibes with a hefty dose of religious symbolism seen in that first volume; I do appreciate the broader message, it's not quite as preachy, how the writer chose to end the story. Different artist than the one that got me to read this duology to start with, but still stellar work. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 I am interested in reading more about Corrigan and the Spectre, and seeing if Drake (not Tim 😉) is a character that exists outside this run. I sincerely hope this monster fighting group shows up again in some form in Batman or Gotham comics.

⚠️gore, suicide
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Swann's Way (Centenary) | Marcel Proust
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Nostalgia and run-on sentences.
Recollections of a sad, anxious boy, his memories and accounts of people, often miserable, that he grew up around, scandals that are only scandals due to the attitudes of the time. Very little of the protagonist emerges amongst detailed descriptions of the scenery (nature and architecture), a few books, even place names, aside from his ambition to become a writer and the start of one love affair, 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? which is linked into the large digression regarding the character of Swann, not the narrator, but arguably the protagonist for half the book.
Swann in Love is less a description of that 200 pages and more of a warning. All the ways he looked down on and manipulated Odette, then Odette seemingly turns the tables or Swann buys his own con and it devolves into toxic Chasing Amy vibes because of her reputation, only for her to show up later
Robotswithpersonality 3/? married to him.
Proust can turn a phrase, whether it's in service of evocative imagery or a scathing insult from a society dame, but there's something overall that's not just wistful in tone but feels actively self-defeating. Not as clear cut as pessimism or cynicism, maybe just depression manifesting? Maybe this is just what it was to be this type of person in this era. I'm not inspired to pick up the next volume, even considering, or perhaps
Robotswithpersonality because of, the way this one ended.

⚠️ antisemitism, classism, homophobia
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
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New favourite! A bit more silly, exuberant and emotional than the quaint, queer vibes of classic Frog and Toad tales, but if you are craving more slice of life among anthropomorphized woodland creatures this hits the spot. I really loved the arc for Badger, I think I felt every single emotion with Skunk, and then: CHICKENS! 🥰 The little orange chicken. 😍🥹 The idea of home, of sharing, of appreciation of space, of contributions, of hobbies, 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 of individual passions. I'm not skilled in determining the age threshold for reader comprehension; this is a 125 page book with a fairly large font and spacing, with a few pictures, but I think the way it tackles the roommate situation is a good lesson for all ages. And yes, of course, Jon Klassen art is pitch perfect. SO, so glad there's a second book! Dare I hope for more? 3d
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Goals. 🚶🏼‍♂️🥧

dabbe #walksandpie 🩵💙🩵 2d
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Ha! The only use of Chick Lit I will accept. 🐤

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Field mice need reading space too. 🥹🐀📚

Swann's Way (Centenary) | Marcel Proust
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Swann's Way (Centenary) | Marcel Proust
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Monocle kink? 🧐

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Gone chicken! 🐔

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Important Rock Work 🪨☺️

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Probably best to take this as personal opinion rather
than objective qualitative review. Mostly because
me and poetry are frequently at odds! There were a
double-fistful of poems I enjoyed, there were many
more that spoke to important issues. There were a
quite a number that discussed blues and jazz and a
couple sections that were written to evoke music or
actual song lyrics! 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? And a bunch that lamented
romantic relationships, not always demonstrating
that healthiest dynamics. It's unfair to say that a lot
of it felt like a lot of repeats, because certainly
poet's have favourite themes. There were definitely
many poems which could as easily have been short
articles, opinion pieces on current events, which is
not to say the art form can't stretch to that type of
commentary. It's heartbreaking on two fronts:
Robotswithpersonality 3/? Hughes early hopes for communism, and having to
write for DECADES about injustice and racism
perpetrated on Black people, people of colour,
minorities, the poor. A heavy book in multiple
senses! Anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, pro-revolution, pro-union. Seems to go back and forth on religion. Nearly as much work on classism, economic inequality as racism. Has much to say and does not mince words!
Robotswithpersonality 4/6 While a product of his time and tackling the issues of his day, I think you could quote a lot of what is here in reference to what social ills we're still fighting.

⚠️suicidal ideation, antisemitism, outdated/offensive language, racism, racially motivated murder, SA, domestic abuse, slavery, police violence, hypocrisy of fighting for democracy without civil rights, deaths in and out of conflict zones
(edited) 4d
Robotswithpersonality 5/6 A selection of poems that spoke to me:
My People
Dear Lovely Death
Merry Christmas
A Christian Country
The Coloured Soldier
Open Letter to the South
Goodbye Christ
Letter to the Academy
White Man
In Time if Silver Rain
This Puzzles Me
The Bitter River
Beaumont to Detroit: 1943
Freedom [2]
Ballad of Sam Solomon
Second Generation: New York
Cafe: 3 am
Subway Rush Hour
Bible Belt
Northern Liberal
(edited) 4d
Robotswithpersonality 6/6 Dinner Guest: Me
Mother in Wartime
Governor Fires Dean
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... Unreasonable/Ghosts.

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Here's hoping Monday was good to you. 💙

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Suddenly yearning for a dictionary that illustrates the meaning of words through poetry.

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Love those poems that are just a single moment spoken. 🥀

Hench | Natalie Zina Walschots
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Another marvelous reread. Though I surprised myself by being less satisfied by the ending than I was the first time. As much as there is a full arc for the main character, there are platonic and potentially romantic relationships feel like they were just getting started. Likewise, there's a major character or two who, while the backstory was important, I also feel is just getting started in their own arcs. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 Thankfully there's a sequel coming out this October (!), which from the description sounds like it picks up where this one leaves off. So I guess now I just wait a few months to see if that satisfies the bits I wanted. Which is not to say this is not a splendid read. Original review with a more helpful summation can be found linked to posts about this book. ☺️ 4d
TheKidUpstairs I didn't know there was a sequel coming! That's so exciting. I loved this one when I read it for #CanadaReads a coyote years ago 4d
TheKidUpstairs That should say couple, not coyote. Although I do love coyotes. 4d
Robotswithpersonality @TheKidUpstairs Honestly not sure I can wait until my library acquires a copy. Might have to be a buy! 4d
Robotswithpersonality @TheKidUpstairs Autocorrect recognizes your love for coyotes! 😅 4d
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An ambitious project. It becomes clear as the book goes on why the narrative focuses more on certain individuals, but that does make the cast of 'main characters' line up in the beginning of the book a little confusing. I'll admit to investigating this work based on the notion of art conversation/reclamation history rather than World War 2 history, which means I had less interest in the sections of the book that acted as introductory context 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? for the latest priorities/movements of the Monuments Men than their actual actions taken to discover and return/protect the art. Maintaining sense of tension without allowing the action to drag is difficult with a work of this length, even if it's clear that the muddle of war and the inevitable bureaucracy were just facts of history, not anything the authors ginned up. 5d
Robotswithpersonality 3/? I appreciate that the authors gave time to consider the German-Jewish-American soldier perspective as well as the contributions of a woman to the French resistance and the recovery of artwork as well as to the art world of France, even though Ettlinger and Valland are not presented as the main characters in the bulk of the work. While the acknowledgement of an eventual force of men and women, especially post-action in the European theatre, 5d
Robotswithpersonality 4/? in the MFAA, it remains The Monuments 'Men' throughout. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It matters that the authors took moments to acknowledge when even the Allies were destructive or unwise in their choices and art was lost as a result. I don't know if the fact that the authors are American or that the larger number of the original MFAA group were American explains why the focus seems to be on American MFAA people even if it was a joint British and American 5d
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Robotswithpersonality 5/? operation. One situation related does make it appear that depending on which American army section the Monuments Man was attached to determined where they'd be able to work/help, to the exclusion of any British force which might be nearby.
The horrors of war are briefly touched on, but not the focus of the story, beyond the lamentation for history, culture, art which was stolen, destroyed, lost.
Robotswithpersonality 6/ I was glad to read about the nascent field of modern art conservation coming into being in the person of George Stout, the love letters from sculptor Walker Hancock home to his new wife and “great love“ Saima. The window into the ambition and frustration of men who were successful in their secular lives coming up against forces so much greater and grinding problems so much slower to solve primarily in the persons of James Rorimer and Lincoln 5d
Robotswithpersonality 7/? Kirstein was humanizing. I can see why and how you could make this into a film, but I don't think I could watch a dramatization of it having been somewhat acquainted with the real people involved. I'm glad the authors chose to emphasize the importance of this type of work in modern warfare, and mentioned that the recovery of work from the historical time period is still ongoing. It's inspiring to remember people care about saving a little 5d
Robotswithpersonality 8/8 beauty alongside the other priorities amidst the ugliness of conflict.

⚠️suicide, details of the Holocaust, SA
(edited) 5d
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Colour coincidences: current read and current crochet piece
Panel for long term franken-cardigan (patchwork) project

Soubhiville Ooo pretty color palette! 6d
Robotswithpersonality @Soubhville Thanks! The cardigan overall is basically every colour under the sun, but I'm hoping I've pieced it together on a way that won't hurt the eyes! 😅 5d
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War: Destruction: Everyone loses.

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Got their steps in, damn! 🚶🏻‍♂️

Angelmaker | Nick Harkaway
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I think my original review from 11 months ago (can find it linked to posts about the book) says it all. My addendums are: 1) still a good time upon reread, even with the darker bits, and 2) Edie Bannister is really one of the two main characters, rather than a secondary character, considering how much of her life and colourful personality is on page. If spy/crime/sci-fi/horror sounds good, pick it up!

Angelmaker | Nick Harkaway
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Awwwww, the baby elephant presents you with a hat! 🎩🐘🥹...Oooohhh, sorry dude, the baby elephant just barfed in your submarine. 😬

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Of Great Importance...🙏🏻

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Zeus, you are ALWAYS in a quarrel with Hera, because you can't keep it in your pants! 🤦🏼‍♂️

dabbe #truth 😂😂😂 1w
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Service Model | Adrian Tchaikovsky
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Dedication. 🤖♥️🙋🏼‍♂️☺️

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“We want to know what in the hell you'd say?“

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Ancillary Justice | Ann Leckie
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New favourite compound adjective found. 🌺🔅

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That's because you're a DICK, Agamemnon. 🙄

CBee He is SUCH an ass 😳😳 1w
Robotswithpersonality @CBee Everybody say: “Thank you, Clytemnestra.“ 🔪😏 1w
dabbe @CBee Ass with a capital “A“ that starts his name! 😂 1w
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CBee @Robotswithpersonality YES! Thank you, Clytemnestra 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂😂😂 1w
CBee @dabbe Asshat Agamemnon 😂😂 1w
dabbe @CBee #perfection Achilles kinda fits that description, too! 😂😂😂 1w
CBee @dabbe oh my gosh he does 🤭🤭 1w
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Horror Movie | Paul Tremblay
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Further evidence that my favourite horror is meta-fictive horror, it discusses horror, the tropes, the cultural history, but that doesn't stop it from being horrifying in itself. I am grateful to those reviewers who, without spoiling anything, led me to believe this 'wasn't quite horror'. I would argue there is still horrifying content, 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? and the ambiguously supernatural ending is definitely movie monster material, but for much of the book, you are exploring how the film script takes shape, how that has affected the lives of those who participated, you are are fascinated and sad by turns, but horrified comes later. I'll admit I was on shaky ground when it seems like it would be just how this experience twisted a human into monstrous actions, 1w
Robotswithpersonality 3/4 how tragic it was that one person's choice would ruin other lives, but there's something about the EXTRA that was the final twist that leaves me with a generally favourable impression. Much was fucked up, but also there seemed to be just the right amount of author fucking with the reader. If you're willing to sit down and watch an entire slasher flick, I think you can appreciate every writing decision made here. 1w
Robotswithpersonality ⚠️Suicide, torture, gore, cannibalism 1w
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Classic with a twist. 🧜🏻‍♀️⚓🐦🪺☺️

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Let's get the uncomfortable truths out of the way. This man had a military career including being a British soldier in Northern Ireland in the 1980s. While his love and care for the ravens is clear, they are captive to the tower as a direct result of his actions: trimmed flight feathers being a part of the 'tradition'. These are realities I can't personally support.

Robotswithpersonality 2/? If you can look past that, this is a very charming book. It touches on Skaife's personal history prior to his time at the Tower, but is largely about his duties and experiences as the Ravenmaster, a good chunk is about both the ravens he's familiar with, occasionally their predecessors, with a healthy dose of raven facts and lore. 2w
Robotswithpersonality 3/3 Skaife's love of history, and learning, perhaps found later in life, is palpable. The audiobook (read by the author) is wonderful and includes raven calls, while the physical book has pictures.

⚠️ animal death
(edited) 2w
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Merlina makes her own fun! ☺️

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Ee hee hee 🐦‍⬛♥️

dabbe “Nevermore.“ 🖤🐦‍⬛🖤 2w
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Cheeky! 😆

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Okay, cute. ♥️

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Adding that one to the vocabulary. 🏙️

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Go Munin! 🐦‍⬛🕷️

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