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Olivia Wrapped in Vines
Olivia Wrapped in Vines | Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve
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?“Scenes are evocative and provide endless opportunities for discussion with young children. This book is ideal for all libraries as a non-threatening and productive story that can give hope to children who feel like Olivia.”—SLJ, starred review The world is a really big place for little kids. When Olivia starts to feel overwhelmed by her big feelings, she sprouts vines. They are thorny and twisty and make it impossible for Olivia to do the things she loves to do, like ride her bike or play with her friends. Plus, no one wants to come near a giant ball of thorns. Luckily, Olivia has a very special teacher. Someone who sees past the prickly and the pokey to the upset little girl and helps Olivia learn to manage the vines. This quirky picture book is the perfect introduction to the idea of anxiety and those big feelings that seem impossible to manage. Olivia’s teacher provides some tricks to help manage the feelings, and a special message at the end of the story encourages young readers to think productively about their own anxieties.
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Olivia Wrapped in Vines | Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve
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If you've lived with it long enough, you might not even notice it. Maybe your anxiety isn't a problem for you. It's only a problem when people point it out. You were like, "I'm cool." Just before someone says, "Oh, I bet that triggered your anxiety!" What?

LiseWorks I lived with it all my life, without even knowing I had it. Just found out that is why I deal with IBS . I'm on medication now and boy I feel sooooo much better. 11mo
mandarchy @LiseWorks, that's amazing! I have it and never think about it until someone mentions it. 11mo
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