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Awake: Paying Attention to What Matters Most in a World That's Pulling You Apart | Anjuli Paschall
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What If There Is More to Life than What You're Living? You've felt it--the underlying anxiety that you're missing out on the good life. So you zone out, swipe up, slim down, work hard, and spin in circles trying to get it. Anjuli Paschall calls it carpe diem syndrome--the fear of not living life to the fullest. But the full life isn't found by chasing it. It's found by coming awake to it. As she puts it: "I want to be awake. I don't want to nervously navigate my life one to-do list, email, and espresso shot at a time. When my life comes to a slow halt, I want to know I savored the small moments and watched the sky change color. I want to know I didn't rush through life but received it. I want to know I came to peace with my weaknesses, loved people fearlessly, and walked with God faithfully. I hope I gave in to the audacious belief that I was loved and, miraculously, even liked." And now, Anjuli casts a compelling vision for you to live a soul-awake life too. The invitation might be as gentle as a song--or as abrupt as a rooster's crow--but God is always waking you up. You can have the life you really want, and you don't have to lose your soul trying to get it. Breathe in. Breathe out. Full life is right here.
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#14Books14Weeks , book 12. Almost done with number 13, hopefully tonight. Part way through number 14. ?? I admit, I chose this book for the cover alone. I mean, really, don't you just love it? (Turns out Anjuli is "not an animal person" and she admits that "holding the rooster on the cover of this book was a scariest thing I've ever done".) The content is pretty solid; filled with honest, touching, sometimes (cont in comments)...

TheHeartlandBookFairy heartbreaking, insightfull, inspiring anecdotes from the authors life. Anjuli writes with wonderful insight, gives sone good advice, and reasonable action stratagies. This book weighs in heavily with a religious standpoint which I'm fine with, but for some reason, I had an issue with the author continually referring to her readers as "sister". Yes, I know the meaning behind this. But for some reason, it seemed over used and was slightly annoying to me? Overall, I enjoyed this book, Thanks to goodreads and the pub for sending it to me ? 12mo
Soscha True facts here: I am an animal person & non-domesticated roosters not raised to be handled like a pet can ef you TF up. Pissed off chicken baby velociraptors. (Who were their antecedents, theropods! 🦖) (edited) 12mo
Soscha I love them to death though. Check out “Bree & Me”. Bree is a companion, raised as one. 🐓 12mo
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