All the ins and outs of the Roman drive to create and maintain an empire, examining to what extent they really created peace. Goldsworthy's style isn't bad -- he keeps it interesting through detail that could get tedious.
All the ins and outs of the Roman drive to create and maintain an empire, examining to what extent they really created peace. Goldsworthy's style isn't bad -- he keeps it interesting through detail that could get tedious.
Good survey of the Roman Empire and how it worked in practice in the provinces
We are not as central to others' concerns as we like to think.
Pax Romana delves into the details of exactly how Rome ruled and administered the empire. The author reviews the size and composition of the typical provincial administration and the functions of the provincial governor. Detailed, comprehensive, and exhaustively well-sourced analysis that is well worth the effort or reading for the light it shines on the Roman imperial administration.