#FridayFrigesDay @SpeculativeFemale
1. Brighid, Irish goddess of fire. Some scholars believe the goddess Brighid's attributes carried over to St. Brighid with the Irish conversion to Christianity.
2. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (reread) then possibly The Gunslinger.
3. Tap
4. I've always said tennis shoes.
SpeculativeFemale Brighid has such cool traditions associated with her. I really want to make a Biddy doll for Imbolc this year, if I have time. 7y
underthebelljar @SpeculativeFemale I've always found the mythology surrounding her fascinating. I'd love to make a Biddy doll for Imbolc too - which also happens to be St. Brighid's feast day! 7y
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