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Joined June 2017

Bookworm with a strong inclination toward speculative fiction.
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Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson
Player's Handbook | Wizards RPG Team
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I hope everyone had a wonderful day today!

Between my son, my significant other, and his family, I ended up with an amazing holiday book haul! I'm so grateful to have so many sweet, generous, thoughtful people in my life! 🥰

Ruthiella Awesome haul! 😃 7mo
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I am having trouble finding the words to describe this book, which makes sense as it is a book all about the power of language.

I love what Kuang did in this book with the interplay of language, power, and money, particularly in relation to colonialism, racism, and sexism, among other issues the book touches upon.

This is just a really amazing book overall!

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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I've been away a while again! A phone reset signed me out of my account, I couldn't remember my password, then had some difficulty resetting it! 🤦‍♀️

Anyway, I'm back again now and need to catch up on reviews of the pictured books, the tagged book, and The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi, which I finished yesterday.

Anyone else trying to make space on their TBR shelf in anticipation of some possible book gifts in the near future? 😝

Nebklvr Who Fears Death was intense!! 8mo
SpeculativeFemale @Nebklvr It really was! I was going to move straight on to The Book of Phoenix after it, but I decided to hold off on that just a bit. I need a break in between! 8mo
Nebklvr @SpeculativeFemale I haven‘t read any more but should sometime as writing was good 8mo
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Joyland | Stephen King
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I finished this tonight and came straight here just to share how much I enjoyed it.

This one does have a slower pace, but it flows so smoothly from lightly reminiscent, to tense, to depths of emotion I found surprising. The characters were relatable and the plot went in unexpected directions. And the ending left me emotionally drained in a ball on my couch... but in a good way.

Overall, I really liked this one and would definitely recommend it

KathyWheeler This is one of my favorite Stephen King books. 9mo
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She Is a Haunting | Trang Thanh Tran
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Nothing like a haunting story and a great deli sandwich for lunch on Halloween, especially after yet another medical appointment.

Sorry I've fallen off the radar again. Health issues abound and between work and doctor's appointments and tests, I have little energy for anything else.

On the bright side, I am on track to finish this book tonight, which is fitting, and hopefully I'll be back to share my thoughts on it soon!

Cackle | Rachel Harrison
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#AutumnPlease Day 11

Here's a really fun book, especially for this time of year, set in a #SmallTown.

And my favorite furball just had to get in on the action today to rep for the #catsoflitsy

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Sweet photo 💜🐈😻 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😽😽😽 10mo
Leftcoastzen 👏👍❤️😻 10mo
dabbe Hello there, fluffy furball kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 10mo
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#AutumnPlease Day 10

This lovely #Shadow book is coming up very soon on my TBR. Loved the first of the series and keep meaning to get around to the rest!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover!! 🖤🤍❤️ 10mo
Eggs Perfect ❤️🤍🖤 10mo
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This Poison Heart | Kalynn Bayron
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#AutumnPlease Day 9

I'd say there are certainly some #FallFlowers in this one.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 🌼🌸 10mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 🌺🩷 10mo
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#AutumnPlease Day 8

When I saw #Bones on this list, I immediately knew what book I would be reaching for that day!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs 🦴🧡💀 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😱☠️🖤 10mo
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Arrows of the Queen | Mercedes Lackey
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#AutumnPlease Day 7

Pulled out an old favorite with a flowing #scarf on the cover 🧡

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Brilliant 🧣❤️🐎 10mo
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The Complete Wheel of Time | Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
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Anyone else watch the end of season two of #WheelofTime today?

No spoilers..... but so many goosebumps!

I'm really pleased with the direction they've taken in the second season. Even the changes from the books maintain enough of the spirit of things and high points of the plot lines, IMO. I'm excited to see where they go from here!

Lreads I'm in the middle of the second season. I haven't read the books but I do like the show. 10mo
shortsarahrose Yes! I just finished the second season. So good! I haven‘t read the books, so I can‘t compare (and honestly, it‘s a pet peeve of mine when people expect a TV show or movie to be exactly like the book cause that‘s impossible. They‘re different media! They tell stories differently! /rant) 10mo
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#AutumnPlease Day 6

For #YrTownInAutumn I decided to highlight my old hometown and the area I grew up in. It is not only featured in some spooky and haunted Pennsylvania books, but is also the (self-proclaimed) Autumn Leaf Capital of the World and home of the Autumn Leaf Festival, going on right now!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 🍁🧡 10mo
Eggs Beautiful 🤩 🍁 🧡 10mo
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The Colorado Kid | Stephen King
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I've been meaning to read this one for ages, just finally got around to it, and I'm so glad I did!

I adored the characters in this one: I wish I could spend a day just talking to Vince and Dave. Even though this is a tale of mystery through and through, it has an inexplicable coziness and charm to it. And, as always, in King's delightful prose style. I just all around loved it!

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I haven‘t read this but I enjoyed watching Haven - a show that picks up after the events of this book. Have you seen it? (edited) 10mo
SpeculativeFemale @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I did watch Haven and was fond of it! It probably gave me a certain perspective on the book (particularly about Dave and Vince), but only to a small degree. 10mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @SpeculativeFemale, good old Dave and Vince ☺️ 10mo
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Towers of Midnight | Robert Jordan
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#AutumnPlease Day 5

I always liked the autumn feel of this cover. It certainly has some #BootsAndLeaves

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Perfect 🍁👢🍂 10mo
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The Institute | Stephen King
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Well, while I was feeling cruddy today due to the side effects of a flu shot (always hits me hard), I did get some reading done.

This book sucked me in immediately. I haven't picked up a King book in a while, and I think I nearly forgot how much I enjoy his writing style. The characters were the driving force in this one, for sure, but his easy flowing prose also just made the chapters fly by. Definitely glad I picked it up!

KathyWheeler My dad, who wasn‘t a Stephen King reader, recommended this book to me. I am an SK reader, so he was surprised I hadn‘t read it. I really liked it. 10mo
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#AutumnPlease Day 4

Apple cider is without a doubt my #FaveFallDrink and for anyone in, around, or visiting western New York, Schutt's is the best! Each batch uses only one variety of apples, giving a distinctive flavor. This week's Honey Crisp was great, but I can hardly wait until they do Northern Spy again later in the fall!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Mmmm honeycrisp apples 🍎❤️🍎 10mo
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Smoke and Mirrors | Neil Gaiman
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#AutumnPlease Day 3
A really great collection and some #Candleflame
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 🖤🕯️ 10mo
Eggs Brilliant 🕯️🖤🔥 10mo
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#AutumnPlease Day 2
A little on the nose, but definitely #Cobwebs
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Brilliant 🕸️🖤🕷️ 10mo
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Eggs Nicely done 🧡🍊🎃 10mo
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I'm going to be 100% honest here and admit I did get bogged down in the middle of this book and put it down for a little while. But, when I came back to it, I devoured the rest of the book in about a day, so I think it was a mood thing.

There's no denying this one is dark, but the way it keeps you questioning good and evil and what it means to be monstrous take it beyond just a dark tale into something special.

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If you're looking for “great literature,“ this isn't the book/series for you. But if you're looking for a quick, fun read with an ending all tied up with a bow on top, look no further. I tend to think of Lacky as my “book candy“: mostly sweet, not a lot of substance, but so enjoyable!

What Moves the Dead | T. Kingfisher
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I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book, how any author could have the temerity to take on a retelling of a Poe classic.

It turns out, not only can it be done well, it can be done so spectacularly that I had to sit in silence for a bit after finishing the book just to let it all settle in my mind.

If you are looking for something spooky and atmospheric, but also witty and engaging, to read this autumn, look no further!

mcipher A sequel is coming out soon too!! I‘m sooooo excited for it 10mo
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Cackle | Rachel Harrison
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This book was so much fun and a great way to start my fall reading!

The story hovers between funny and eerie, with everything from disturbing ghost scenes to moments of pure and poignant friendship.

Ultimately, this is a girl power story about learning to be unapologetically yourself, and that I can absolutely get behind!

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I've noticed this book tends to put people on the love it or hate it ends of the spectrum, and I fell firmly on the love it end of things. The characters and the bits of mystery surrounding each of their circumstances kept me reading with rapt attention. I can see how it might not be for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it!

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Eggs 🧡👍🏼🧡 11mo
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Eggs Perfect 👌🏼 11mo
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved these books 🩷 11mo
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Meet the Austins | Madeleine L'Engle
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Day 25

I feel like sometimes people forget that L'Engle wrote more than just the Wrinkle in Time books. I loved her Austin family books, too!

@Eggs, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs I adore thé Austins ???!! Great choice? 11mo
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People of the Fire | W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
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Eggs Well played 🔥🧡💨 11mo
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Eggs 💚🍅🚂 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this one!! 11mo
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The Book of Phoenix | Nnedi Okorafor
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Day 21 Anticipated 5⭐️ Read

@Eggs, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow 🔥🖤 11mo
Eggs 🔥 ❤️❤️‍🔥 11mo
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Weyward: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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The nature of this book, with three generations of women all facing their own struggles and coming into their power in their own way, was very appealing to me, and the characters themselves really drew me in.

One warning I would offer is to check the trigger warnings - this book doesn't pull punches and hits on some tough subjects.

Bklover Oh, and the cover is gorgeous!! 11mo
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Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 11mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚👌🏻📚 11mo
Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻 11mo
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Eggs Lovely book 🥲 11mo
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Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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While there were some confusing parts with too many names and secondary characters to easily keep straight, the payoff was well worth it. I plowed through this book in a way shorter time than I expected. It was so odd and unique, I just could not put it down.

Ruthiella I‘ve come to enjoy the confusion I‘m at the beginning of each of the locked tomb books. 😂 11mo
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The Follower of Flowers | Natalia Hernandez
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This book takes all the beauty and mystery of the first book in the series and ramps it up to a whole new level.

The characters continue to develop through both struggles with their current circumstances and revelations about their pasts, while the plot twines together old and new stories, bringing some characters closer together while tearing others apart.

The emotional impact by the end left me both reeling and impatient for the next book!

Untitled | Unknown
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Yay for our holiday: National Book Lover's Day!

Let's celebrate by sharing! Drop a recent reading recommendation in the comments!

DivineDiana I recommend the book that I just finished. 12mo
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Unnatural Disasters | Jeff Hirsch
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This book is a rollercoaster ride of angst, trauma, love, loss, and survival. Our protagonist watches as civilization as we know it steadily tears itself apart, and eventually she has to come to terms with how someone she loves played a part in it all.

This was a page turner, for sure, but was also haunting in terms of the what if's it offers up.

Rogue Protocol | Martha Wells
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The Murderbot series continues to delight me with this entry following our protagonist through a nearly-abandoned station seeking answers about the past.

Amid the ensuing mayhem, some questions are answered while more are raised, and Murderbot's interactions with humans continue to challenge their worldview.

Looking forward to getting my hands on the next volume, as always!

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I buy books for my grand-nieces and -nephews for Christmas every year, starting with Dr. Seuss when they're babies, most often the tagged book first, and then changing with their interests over the years.

Those who don't remain readers as they get older usually transition to getting hoodies. After all, rare is the teen who doesn't appreciate a new hoodie! 🤷‍♀️


BookmarkTavern That‘s so sweet! I bought my nibling a bunch of Seuss books when they were born. Thanks for sharing! 12mo
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This volume delves more into one character's backstory, and it is an emotional rollercoaster ride! There's still some humor, and of course some monster cooking, but you might need a kleenex or two for parts of the story this time around...

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I cannot say enough great things about this book! The world building is rich and stunningly beautiful, I fell in love with the characters, who are a wonderfully varied cast, and the plot had me staying up late just to see what happened next.

Featuring everything from strong warrior women and found family to LGBTQ representation and unique folklore and magic, the first book in this series has me hyped to read the next volume!

Deblovestoread Cover love 😍. Stacked 12mo
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The Follower of Flowers | Natalia Hernandez
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I am, as of today, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.

For anyone who is not a Douglas Adams fan, what I mean to say is that today is my birthday and I am 42. 😁

Anyway, just wanted to share my beautiful birthday book haul! I can't wait to dig in!

Ruthiella Happy birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
Jas16 Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎈 12mo
Tea_and_Starstuff Happy Birthday! What an exciting haul - I just read Gideon the Ninth and enjoyed it. 12mo
See All 10 Comments
Librarybelle Happy Birthday! 12mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 12mo
DivineDiana Wishing you a joyful year filled with many great books! 🥳🎂📚 12mo
xicanti Happy birthday! 12mo
MaureenMc Happy birthday! 12mo
JamieArc Happy Birthday! Cackle is a fun read! 12mo
mabell Happy Birthday! 🎉 Great reference! 😄 12mo
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Wow. I stayed up late finishing this tonight because I just could not stop. And did I ever cry! I haven't cried this much over a book in a while.

To be entirely honest, there was one slower part in the book that got almost too philosophical for me, but it passed, and the story really, really pulled through in the end! Just beautiful!

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Nettle & Bone | T. Kingfisher
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This is the book that sucked me back in again after a recent reading slump!

While the world building and plot are both great, it was really the characters that made this one for me. Unique and quirky, but with depth and relatable motivation, the characters felt like they could step right off the page at times.

Overall I absolutely loved this book and cannot recommend it enough!

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My wonderful guy knows me so well, even my anniversary gift includes a book!

I have had this one on my wish list since it was still on pre-order, and I can't wait to dive in!

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I'm still making myway through this series and loving every moment!

This volume adds a new character to the core group while also digging into another character's backstory, making for a nice weighty experience.

Unknown Book 7535597 | Unknown Unknown
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Another visit to my late father's house this weekend and I grabbed this local gem. The author was both my father's bus driver in the 50s and 60s, as well as my bus driver in the 80s and 90s, and then briefly my landlord when I was in grad school. The book contains many short little snippets of his memories of growing up in rural western Pennsylvania, including when he was my grandma's student in a one room schoolhouse.

DivineDiana A treasure. ❤️ 14mo
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When there's this much smoke in the air, staying in to read really is the best option!

I've only left for work the last couple of days, and we've had multiple air purifiers going at home. Still can't quite get the smell out of my hair. But it looks like the end might be in sight! Fingers crossed!

julesG 🤞🏻🤞🏻 14mo
AmyG Just awful. 14mo
dabbe Whoah. Hang in there! 💙💚💙 14mo
kspenmoll Horrid for everyone! 14mo
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