“Grammar Girl” offers 365 lessons on language that are sure to inspire and amuse. Chock-full of bite-sized writing tips, fun quizzes, and efficient memory tricks, The Grammar Daily gives you the tools you need to improve your grammar and become an even better communicator, one day at a time (or week, or month, or whatever pace suits you). • 4.5 Stars
#TheGrammarDaily #GrammarGirl #MignonFogarty
wanderinglynn Grammar Girl is my go-to for all the comma rules! 12mo
suvata @wanderinglynn she‘s the best 12mo
Sparklemn I've never heard of Grammar Girl. I just ordered her book! 12mo
suvata @Sparklemn She used to have a podcast a long time ago. She does have a couple of books that are very informative and useful. 12mo