Tagged my favorite of the month.
5 ⭐
Saying It Loud
Malcolm X
4 ⭐
We Hunt The Flame
Elena Knows
Liliana's Invincible Summer
Leg: The Story of a Limb and the Boy Who Grew from It
You Could Make This Place Beautiful
Tom Lake
3.5 ⭐
All the Lovers in the Night
The God of Good Looks
3 ⭐
Bet on It
Practice Makes Perfect
The Wedding Date
2.5 ⭐
Shark Heart
#Readingroundup #FebruaryReads
I needed these 3⭐ romances!
February: 10 books; $123.24 saved
Total: 14 = $222.02
Prices based off websearches for used books which is how I would normally buy a book. 13mo