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To the Bone
To the Bone | Alena Bruzas
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This tragic love story is also a suspenseful, starkly honest look at Colonial America, set during the “Starving Time” in Jamestown. It’s 1609 at James Fort, and Ellis has recently arrived from England with Henry Collins and his wife, who she serves as their indentured help. To orphaned Ellis, James Fort is an opportunity – a fresh start in a new world. And now that she has fallen for the bold and glorious Jane Eddowes, she feels even more hopeful about her future. Foolishly hopeful, for soon she comes to understand the horrible realities of her home: the crimes that her fellow settlers have committed against the indigenous people there, the terrible shortage of food they are facing as winter draws near, and the cruelty of her employer, both to her and to his pregnant wife. Ellis will call upon all her fortitude, but will it be enough? Gripping, shocking, and exquisitely told, this is crucial U.S. history seen through the eyes of an extraordinary fictional teenager.
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To the Bone | Alena Bruzas
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I chose to read this because I love books set in the Colonial time period and this one takes place during The Starving Time at Jamestown in the early 1600‘s. It‘s not a romance by definition although the Ellis‘ romantic feelings for Jane are prominent for half of the story, then it takes a solid turn to horror. The end is pretty dark, but this is understandable as The Starving Time was awful for both the native population as well as the settlers…

intothehallofbooks …in different ways. The MC Ellis has a tendency to pull her hair out and pinch her own arms, which sadly ruined the story for me. Granted, Ellis had a hard life. But so, so much page space is given to her pulling hair out/pinching herself. For Ellis to defy the cultural norms of the time and be so outward with and sure of her feelings for another girl, it is surprising that she is so unsure of herself in all other aspects. It seemed… (edited) 2mo
intothehallofbooks …incongruent to me and I wish she‘d had more gumption. • This is an advanced copy that I received from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a review. On sale date is September 10, 2024. (edited) 2mo
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