Willie's Bar and Grill | Rob Hirst
" ... a terrific read. Hirst writes with some genuine flair and tempers his sharp eye for detail with a seen-it-all-before rock veteran cool. (He) is also insightful enough to recognise the not-yet-spoiled delights that lurk just off the USA's smog-choked, SUV-clogged interstates. Think Bill Bryson rewriting Almost Famous." – Rolling Stone Part tour diary, part war commentary, part history brush-up and cultural junket, Willie's Bar and Grill charts legendary Australian band Midnight Oil's progress through North America shortly after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack on the US. Rob Hirst, the band's drummer/songwriter, relates his version of life on the road in an alternately serious, light-hearted but always entertaining, fashion, introducing the group's American tour manager, Willie, as well as the band members and the often bizarre characters they meet. Get on the bus and take the trip. "Hirst's strengths are his satirical tone, critical eye and marvellous sense of humour ... (this) marvellous book is a view of rock music as corporatised and the music of the almost-old. But it is also a work that gives a clear-eyed view of America on the road." – The Age "A true rock 'n' roll odyssey." – NW "Required reading for Oils fans and anyone interested in what's involve din taking a rock show on the road." – Voyeur