p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
p. 25: 'By the eleventh century... the church congregation formed a similar grouping to that of its members' everyday lives. One often began, continued, and ended one's spiritual life in the local church. One went there with one's neighbors. Most churches would grow in size in later times, but the essential parish church community had now been created.'
Started. Looking forward very much to learning what church was like for my ancestors. Recommended to me by Tudor historian Norman Jones.
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Going to Church in Medieval England by Nicholas Orme
📖 The Perfect King: The Life of Edward III, Father of the English Nation by Ian Mortimer
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead