Archangel's Ascension | Nalini Singh
THE LATEST GUILD HUNTER BOOK FROM NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR NALINI SINGH Aodhan and Illium. Adi and Blue. Sparkle and Bluebell. Friends become lovers, their future a wild unknown. Finally reunited in New York, they must now learn to navigate the monumental shift in their relationship. But for these two members of Archangel Raphael's legendary Seven, there is no time to rest. As they investigate a case for the Tower that echoes the darkness from Aodhan's past, they will be forced to confront not only the scars that mark them both, but the promise of a vast power that flickers in Illium. The threat of ascension has haunted and troubled Aodhan's Blue for too long, the forces of change immutable and without mercy...and uncaring of Illium's fierce wish to remain part of the Seven. Change is a constant in an immortal's life, and this new horizon will bring with it both terrible heartbreak and a joy extraordinary enough to reverberate through time... **** READERS LOVE NALINI SINGH 'Nalini Singh masterfully blends action, suspense, and character development, creating a riveting story that keeps readers engaged until the very end''????? 'Any book from the Guild Hunter series is an auto-buy!''????? 'Sweet, hearth warming, gut twisting, funny and very romantic with just enough action and intrigue. Loved every minute!' '????? 'The series gets better and better. Nalini is an amazing author. With an unmatched imagination that drags you into every book' '?????