This was fun, though I felt the dialogue was sometimes a little *too* anachronistic -- I don't ask for perfect accuracy, meeeeh about that, but it just didn't ring true sometimes. Still, I'll read the second book.
This was fun, though I felt the dialogue was sometimes a little *too* anachronistic -- I don't ask for perfect accuracy, meeeeh about that, but it just didn't ring true sometimes. Still, I'll read the second book.
This is the #FirstNovel l'm reading in December... and honestly l can't say it's hooking me 😩
The author is trying very hard to make this cosy mystery cute. Maybe too hard.
Me, l'd appreciate it if the mystery wasn't based on just guesses and unproven theories
Starting a new 1920s mystery 😊
#FallIntoBooks #FallReads
These are a few of the books l plan to read this Fall. I have actually three #MissFisher lined up, and they are only a few of the novels #SetInFaveEra the 1920s that l plan to read
I so wanted this to be the answer to the Phryne Fisher/Daisy Dalrymple hole in my reading, but alas it was not to be. This has promise, but needs an editor to sit down and point out the flaws with the author- starting with dialogue which is so wooden it feels like it's been badly translated from another language (19tj century German perhaps). And it makes me sad writing this - so any suggestions for Daisy/Phryne readalikes are welcome...