Mind. Blown.
He does not seem to have enjoyed it.
#billnye #undeniable #mindblown #didntseethatcoming #50shades
Mind. Blown.
He does not seem to have enjoyed it.
#billnye #undeniable #mindblown #didntseethatcoming #50shades
Decided to listen on Audible today as I worked on projects. Thought I picked a no-brainer. Hooked right away but ... is it bad to say the beloved Stephen King could have MAYBE made this a bit shorter? Over 5 hours in & over 8 more to go. Not much of a build up so far for me but with all of the #metoo & post #50shades I expected something >unique. I know. I am evil & certainly no Mr. King. Will press on but I must really be jaded. Pray for me.