#Bleeckersays black pugs are just like black cats, only puggier 😉😂
#Bleeckersays black pugs are just like black cats, only puggier 😉😂
On to the next #librarybook
#Bleeckersays Hi
We are all fuzzy warm here.
Feeling the sick on a Sunday morning so I'm gonna spend it with an old fave while drinking hot coffee and snuggling with my #pugsoflitsy #Bleeckersays
Go away cold weather and yucky pollen!
#Bleeckersays mommy, it's cold outside and there's white stuff in all my places. #snowpocalypse2018 #RaleighNC #pugsoflitsy
#Bleeckersays mom, thanks for turning the gas logs on. Now, leave me be. #pugsoflitsy
#bookandwinepairing 📚 🍷 still working on the 2016 Pintupi 9 'The Red'
#Bleeckersays Mom, you're not fat, you're puggy! Get off that treadmill! I don't like it! #pugsoflitsy #mamawantssomewine
#Bleeckersays Thanks for sending everyone home mom. Now let's just relax! #pugsoflitsy #introverting