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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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I'm going in.
I aim to hopefully read at least a chapter per day. Actually started it last night, but only got through the Foreword and Translator's Note, then fell asleep. Hope that's not a sign 😅

I'm reading the Pevear & Volokhonsky translation. What's everyone else going with?

LeeRHarry Good luck! 😊 2d
sarahbarnes I loved this when I read it. I would say it does pick up. 😂 2d
CogsOfEncouragement I went back and forth with ebook and audiobook which worked well for me to keep reading while doing dishes, driving, etc. I really enjoyed this one. So much so I read The Idiot not too long after. 2d
Leniverse @LeeRHarry @sarahbarnes @CogsOfEncouragement Now that I'm not half asleep I'm enjoying it 😂 It sets the tone really well already on the first page. I think it'll read faster than I expected. 2d
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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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@BarbaraJean @Librarybelle @Leniverse @Caroline2 @AnneCecilie @Larkken @Kristy_K @Cuilin @wanderinglynn @deblovestoread @jess @leniverse @aa_guer2021 @sparklemn

OK guys.... you may begin!!!!!!!!

But if you've got a lot on, don't worry. We are going at a leisurely pace.

After all, when we've finished #CAPbuddyread it's on to Ulysses.

Use the hashtag to update us on how you're doing.

THERE IS NO RUSH. And feel free to start at a later date.

Caroline2 I do love that cover!!! 😻 5d
Librarybelle Hooray!! 5d
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BarbaraJean 🎉🎉What time frame are you thinking—do you have a finish date in mind? (Trying to figure out reading priorities for the next couple months!) (edited) 5d
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraJean There is no time frame! We just see how far we get. I recently did a buddy read of Ducks, Newburyport and I think only myself and @Leniverse got to the end! Maybe midway through next year? 5d
BarbaraJean Aha! Sounds good. I think I will try to finish by the end of the year… if I don‘t give myself a deadline it may not happen 🤪 5d
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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October #BookSpin list! Lots of buddy reads, my usual slots for #192025 picks, and lots of titles that feel seasonally-appropriate to me. Looking forward to seeing what numbers are drawn tomorrow!

*Last-minute edit to swap in parts 1-2 of Crime & Punishment for #torturedpoetsbookclub #CAPbuddyread 🎉 (or maybe the celebration emoji is the wrong one for that particular book! 😂)

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5d
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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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@BarbaraJean @Librarybelle @Leniverse @Caroline2 @AnneCecilie @Larkken @Kristy_K @Cuilin @wanderinglynn @deblovestoread @jess @leniverse

Hello fellow glutens for punishment!

The plan was to start C&P at a leisurely pace starting 1st October. How does everyone feel about this?

1) Yes, let's start tomorrow!
2) Delay start 1 month to November
3) Let's start January instead

The translation I have is the Oliver Ready version (cover above).

Librarybelle I‘m ready to start tomorrow! 6d
Jess I have my copy and am ready whenever everyone else is. 6d
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BarbaraJean October is suuuuuper overloaded but I‘m in for starting tomorrow, depending on what “leisurely” looks like 😆 6d
Deblovestoread Have overbooked myself per usual but will start whenever you say go. 😁 6d
aa_guer2021 Just came across this post. Maybe I will be motivated to finally tackle this book. And I can do it in the original!! 🤔🫠 6d
wanderinglynn I can start tomorrow but would prefer January! 😉 6d
Larkken Torture away whenever! 6d
Sparklemn I‘d like to join if I may! 6d
Kristy_K Whatever works for everyone else! I‘m flexible. 6d
AnneCecilie I have a lot of bookish stuff going on right now and would prefer to wait until January 6d
Leniverse As long as I don't have to finish it in October, I can start now 😂 November might be better though. 6d
camscampbell I have a slow read of this going at a chapter a week. It‘s a nice pace. 5d
Caroline2 Nov would be better for me too but happy to start now. I have the Constance Garnett translation. 👍 5d
RaeLovesToRead @aa_guer2021 @Sparklemn I will add you both to the tag list!!!! 😊 5d
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell That'll probably be about my pace. It took me about 18 months to read War and Peace! 😄 5d
camscampbell @RaeLovesToRead I love to hear that you‘ve read War and Peace! I just passed a rather sad scene in that book not two minutes ago. I‘m reading it a chapter a day, which makes it a one-year read. I may start it again on 1 Jan and read a different translation alongside the Russian. The chapters are short and it‘s become a ritual this year that I‘d like to continue. 5d
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell I also read the Anthony Briggs translation. I thought it was pretty good. The whole novel is an experience. The structure is bizarre and not at all beginning, middle, end, but it doesn't matter because the stories come and go and evolve! 5d
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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Don't think I've forgotten!

So I've been thinking Crime & Punishment should be the next buddy read #CAPbuddyread #torturedpoetsbookclub

Have had a request to start in October... what does everyone think? It'll be a long term thing. Read at your own pace. And I would suggest a WhatsApp group so we can discuss (or use hashtag for those who don't want in.)


Tagging interested folks in the comments!

Librarybelle If October is a good time to start, maybe starting October 1st? I like the Tortured Poets Book Club name! 😂 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle Yes, would be start of Oct, and then just running at own pace. Tortured Poets... for those who love pain and hardship in their reading life, but also, probably, Taylor Swift 🤣🤣 1mo
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Librarybelle @RaeLovesToRead 😂 I fit with the group name more for the hardship and pain of reading rather than the music, I‘m afraid to say, but there are a couple of her songs that are definitely catchy. It‘s a perfect name for the chunkster reads! 1mo
Deblovestoread A classic I‘ve intended to read so count me in. Not a Swiftie but love the name. 1mo
Jess I think I‘m in too. Always wanted to read this one. 1mo
Caroline2 Count me in!! 🙋‍♀️ 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle @Deblovestoread @jess @Caroline2 Woo! I will post before the challenge. If you want to be added to a WhatsApp group when we start email me your mob number to raelouisewatts@gmail.com 💕 It's OK if you'd rather just use the hashtag! 1mo
Leniverse I'm so far from being a Swiftie that I don't even understand the reference. To me Tortured Poets Book Club sounds like something from a Brat pack movie 😂 Andrew McCarthy and Judd Nelson would be the inaugural members. Anyway, it's a very suitable name for reading Russian Lit. 1mo
Larkken Count me in too! 1mo
BarbaraJean I'm in! Sorry for the delayed response! How does “at your own pace“ work--will there be a target end date? 1mo
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