😩😢😭 Why does it have to end?!? I miss Constance already...
Great story. Everyone needs to read this series! Girl Waits With Gun is the first one in the series. #HistoricalFiction #DeputyKopp #LadyCop
😩😢😭 Why does it have to end?!? I miss Constance already...
Great story. Everyone needs to read this series! Girl Waits With Gun is the first one in the series. #HistoricalFiction #DeputyKopp #LadyCop
“Miss Kopp is the best police officer and detective in the state of New Jersey. She does not know the meaning of fear and with her bravery she uses brains.”
#LadyCop #DeputyKopp
Constance Kopp is just the best! 💕💕💕
I love how she knows she‘s looked at funny and talked about because she‘s going against the grain, but she doesn‘t give a damn about it. She is just enjoying what she does and not worrying about what anybody else says or thinks. To her it‘s just a matter of fact thing. #LadyCop #DeputyKopp