September book select time!
My choice for #LetterM in the #alphabetgame has been one of my favourites since I was a teenager.
Afternoon hockey. Dallas ⭐️. Hoping to get to the 169 page mark needed for January 20th. I'm at 155.
2022. New year. Still listening to hockey. ? lead the ? 6-2 after 2 periods.
My book for January is Yourcenar's Mémoires d'Hadrien. This is the impossible reading challenge from the French CBC.
Happy new year.
The cool, sedate prose is just the right vehicle for these reflections of what a wise man has learnt from his life. Would the real Hadrian recognise himself in this detached view? He might recognise it as an aspiration, one we seem to be discarding, more's the pity.
I first read this book as a teenager, and it is a book that has forever after coloured my perception of Hadrian whatever other factual or fictional account of him I've read.
Re-reading from 2017. Must be the 4th or 5th time I've read it
Do you know of the custom of the outgoing US President writing a letter to his/her successor ? Well, this book is kind of a version from the Roman empire era. Hadrian, Emperor, writes a detailed letter to his successor Marcus Aurelius : challenges awaiting in managing the Empire, reflections about art, Grece, philosophy, life, death, and deep love for Antinoüs, one of his lieutenant. Very well written, but many sometimes hard to get references.
Un libro che non lascia indifferenti. Una volta chiuso ha lasciato un‘impronta duratura nel mio modo di vedere il mondo, sicuramente il modo di guardare la storia Romana.