Well.....shit......I didn't think it would be that easy.
At least it's pretty 😍 Future me will be pumped in the fall!
#EOTV #CoverPorn #ImGoingToForgetAboutThisBySeptember
LibrarianRyan I heard Waterstones website crashed 2x. I like the cover, but not in love with it. yet. I am waiting to see the US cover. They are supposed to be different. But of his last covers, Waterstones had the better versions. 4y
FantasyChick @LibrarianRyan I was planning on waiting to see the US cover and the Goldsboro edition too but when I saw this morning that Waterstones kept crashing and people had to refresh for more than an hour to get their purchase, I had to see what was up 😂 I was in and at the checkout in minutes so I figured if I got past the barrier that quick....I might as well go through with it 🤣🤣 4y
LibrarianRyan Know what I just realized. I preordered the us version last month. Duhhhh. 😜 4y
jinxmoon Haha I did the very same thing 😂 I got one at the first try and I‘m feeling a little bad because of the people who tried for hours... 4y
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