“Sooner or later, all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together.“
“Sooner or later, all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together.“
This book would be a great reference to use when teaching about American history and during Black History Month in February. The quotes that are written throughout the pages could be used as discussion points in a classroom when talking about equality, feelings, etc.
This book was a 2002 Caldecott winner. This story goes on to tell about MLK's upbringing and journey as a Civil Rights Activist. The pictures have a realistic but almost colored pencil look to them. Throughout the book, the pictures display a sense of community that African Americans were building during this time.
This is a good book to show that poetry can intersect with other subjects/vice versa.
“Interlocked elbows,
the city's many ministers
march with Martin, too.
We shall overcome!“
Poems about Martin Luther King's life, including ones about his birth, death, and work. Very evocative.