Antoinette gets herself into a rather unfortunate situation thanks to her dabbling with #MysticsVoodoo. #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
Antoinette gets herself into a rather unfortunate situation thanks to her dabbling with #MysticsVoodoo. #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
There is so much #mysticsvoodoo or voudoun in this book. How else do you get undead pirates? And now you're beginning to see why all Powers's fans saw a lot of similarities. This is my copy from when the book first came out and then one with a cover I couldn't pass up. #PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive
Will use the first book in the Charming Cures series by Tonya Kappes, a nice little cozy mystery involving a fair bit of magic. #mysticsvoodoo
Picture from : www.tonyakappes.com
This is a collection of Howard's non-fantasy stories and inside there's my favourite one, Black Canaan. Set in his homeland (Texas) at his time (the 1930s), it betrays less blatant racism then other contemporary stories and it has a very strong feeling of otherness about it.
The black #mysticsvoodoo witch who's the villain of the novella is my favourite character
#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
Not exactly #mysticsvoodoo, but it is set in New Orleans and there are witches, so...
#pirateslife whatawaytolive
Bonus #MysticsVoodoo post. Tia Dalma was the one to give Jack his compass, the one that points to what you want or your heart's desire.
Here are three versions I own! The middle one has a rotating mechanism to point to what I want most 😊
#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
Tia Dalma is the #MysticsVoodoo priestess of the POTC universe. She is the Goddess, Calypso, of the sea, bound in human form, by the original Brethren Court. The woman whom Davy Jones loved so much that he cut out his own heart, and placed it in the dead man's chest. She can be depicted with crabs.
#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife