This line comes towards the end of the book, while a great hurricane rages. It's exactly how I've felt while I've been in the midst of hurricanes. Lucky for me, I've been safe inside. #titleinthetext
This line comes towards the end of the book, while a great hurricane rages. It's exactly how I've felt while I've been in the midst of hurricanes. Lucky for me, I've been safe inside. #titleinthetext
#TitleInTheText #WhatsInAName #CR
This book's title is first mentioned on page 15 in French. But the title could also refer to a red Moleskine notebook that the store owner found. It's mentioned on page 30.
Pg 15: "Hello, it's 'Le Cahier Rouge. I'd like to return fifteen copies of 'Tristesse d'été. It's not selling and I'm changing my displays."
Pg 58:
"Are you in love? . . .
Who with? . . .
The woman with the red notebook."
I like finding occurrences of a book's #TitleInTheText 📖 I may even backtrack in order to understand the significance of those words to the author or the story. The search feature in ebooks is very handy for finding all the instances. With print books, I make light pencil notations on the back endpaper. Does anyone else do this? Include #WhatsInAName in your post. Then, tag me -- @Donna_sBookMinute -- so I can read about your discovery.