A look into the country life of the British authors, Virginia Wolf, Sylvia Townsend Warner and Rosalind Lehmann
Most of the time is spent with Wolf, starting in 1917 as she recovers from illness. This was a quiet time in her life and since the notes from this period is different from the ones she made before and after, they are usually excluded by biographies. So I found this period interesting.
I hadn‘t heard about Warner and Lehmann before
AnneCecilie and they both went their own ways. Warner living with a woman and Lehmann twice divorced. I love reading about women that do what is right for them, even if these sections covered more time in the authors life. I‘m also thinking about reading some of their novels and short stories in the future because they sound interesting. 3mo
AnneCecilie @AllDebooks Tagging you since you expressed interest in my thoughts and I had some 😊 (edited) 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds interesting 3mo
AllDebooks I can't wait to read this. I've added it to the #VirginiaBloomsnerries tbr list. Thanks fir the tag @AnneCecilie 😊 3mo