Finished a fun and colorful dot-to-dot tonight while listening to The Fellowship of the Ring.
Finished a fun and colorful dot-to-dot tonight while listening to The Fellowship of the Ring.
I discovered a zebra while I was listening to my book tonight! I haven't done a dot-to-dot in a long time, but this was a relaxing way to help me focus on my book. I need something not too distracting while listening, but my mind wanders if I don't do something.
Up until this book I'd never taken Alec Baldwin seriously. I haven't seen many of his films; he always seemed a bit seedy to me. Listening to this, I realised he is a refreshingly honest man who is passionate about his work and I'd love to see him on stage! I'm so glad I listened to the audiobook because he has a great voice for it! Anyway, here's a pic of my #audiodottodot of which I am very proud 😁😂