I loved it great stories
My plans for New Year‘s Eve involve a roaring fire and a good book. Sorry not sorry!
And he was so thin beneath his rags that it might have been his bones they heard rattling and clanking as they knocked together beneath his skin.
Robin Hood published in 2013 was an interesting read. It was a longer book with not many pictures which made it hard for me to focus. With so many words on the page I was fully enjoying the story rather than some other fairytales.
“Here my lord, take it and keep it in remembrance of the day we finally captured Robin Hood”
Great for readers who love fantasy and folklore. Tells the story of Robin Hood and the illustrations are more on the realistic side. Children would love to read this on their own time but may be too long to read to the class.
“It‘s your sweet little granddaughter,” sang the wolf in a high voice.”