Just a stack of books from our latest #bookdraft episode!
Just a stack of books from our latest #bookdraft episode!
Here is my roster for the #bookdraft we just did for anyone interested.
Matt‘s Roster
QB1 Gore Vidal
QB2 George M Fraser
RB1 Charles Portis
RB2 Elmore Leonard
WR1 Dawn Powell
WR2 Percival Everett
TE Walter Kirn
CENTER Norman Mailer
GUARD Arthur C Doyle
TACKLE George RR Martin
DEFENSE John Grisham
OC Oscar Wilde
DC James Ellroy
KICKER Neil Gaiman
HEAD COACH Anthony Powell
OWNER PG Wodehouse
So we've created a new way to waste large amounts of time in silly ways. It will (I hope) appeal to those who enjoy both sports and books. It's called the #bookdraft and it blends fantasy football and literary trivia. You basically select a fantasy football team composed of authors. We explain the system and draft our teams in the episode. I will be posting my team shortly. Enjoy!