Opening line: “In the summer of 2012, I was an unemployed grad-school dropout and relatively new to yoga.” #everybodyyoga #jessamynstanley #bookgnome #bookish #book #bookcover #firstline #workmanpublishing
Opening line: “In the summer of 2012, I was an unemployed grad-school dropout and relatively new to yoga.” #everybodyyoga #jessamynstanley #bookgnome #bookish #book #bookcover #firstline #workmanpublishing
In anticipation of the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon I participated in one of the mini 2 hour Readathons during which I finished Every Body Yoga by Jessamyn Stanley. I absolutely LOVED this book. Jessamyn keeps it raw and real. If you've ever been curious about yoga but felt like you don't have a stereotypical yoga body This is the book for you!
#yoga #everybodyyoga