#CoverStories Day 4: #BodyPart shaped to letters of the alphabet - review is forthcoming.
#CoverStories Day 4: #BodyPart shaped to letters of the alphabet - review is forthcoming.
*Not the tagged book* Conscious Aging is a two-part recorded session featuring Ram Dass delivering a talk at the Omega Institute. At the time of the recording, Ram Dass was 60 years old. He begins the teaching by sharing humorous and relatable stories about aging, allowing him to laugh at himself while simultaneously offering a profound spiritual application for the listeners.
Full review at abookandadog.com/blog/conscious-aging
I am so relaxed after my yoga class tonight!
This book seems to have gotten a lot of criticism for flagging some of the risks of yoga, but I found it very interesting and the outcomes heavily in favour of yoga.
Great use of existing studies and breaking down the benefits of yoga into several different tranches.
I took a lot of notes on things I‘d like to follow up on and learn more about.
A great read for any yogi 🧘🏻♀️
Yoga di Carrère. Il mio primo post su Litsy, popoleremo questo social di italiani. Facciamoci sentire.
Yoga by Carrère. My first post on Litsy, there‘ll be a lot of Italians there. Let‘s make some noise!
#litsy #litsyitalia #libri #leggere #passione #lettura #bookstagramita #bookstagram #leggerechepassione #booktokita #italia #libri
I was not expecting to like this so much. I loved Allegra and her co-workers (Tripp was my favorite!).
I especially loved that Allegra kept a positive attitude throughout the book no matter what was being thrown at her.
I recommend this book for someone who is looking for an easy read that is also sprinkled with some wise life lessons.
As I try to finish book 1 of #WhartonBuddyRead find myself thinking Edith was up to speed about Perry Baker who renamed himself Dr. Pierre Bernard bringing yoga to America. Lots of scandal & running from the law , criticism from clergy,etc. And was it sex cult? I‘m not sure, still on my TBR .