When you‘ve curled up in your husbands desk chair and feel too crappy to get up and get your own book, I guess I‘m reading poetry tonight #hubby soon #RobertFrost #poetry #changeofpace #2018 #yearofbooks
When you‘ve curled up in your husbands desk chair and feel too crappy to get up and get your own book, I guess I‘m reading poetry tonight #hubby soon #RobertFrost #poetry #changeofpace #2018 #yearofbooks
I want to go.....to bed!!!! This time change is still kicking my butt! I‘m ready to snuggle with the hubby, read my chapter and go to sleep. It‘s going to rain tonight and tomorrow in SoCal, I want to stay inside with my books ALL day!
#MonteCristo #read #snuggle #hubby #books #rain #chapteraday #bed #pjs
My other half likes #autobiographies so today's #readjanuary is all #hubby'schoice