I am ENTHRALLED by the story, characters, and setting. The sea travels, West Indies setting, the anticipation of more stories about these sisters is thrilling! Full review coming to #inspirationclothesline .com soon! #litfuse #bethanyhousepublishers
I am ENTHRALLED by the story, characters, and setting. The sea travels, West Indies setting, the anticipation of more stories about these sisters is thrilling! Full review coming to #inspirationclothesline .com soon! #litfuse #bethanyhousepublishers
Full review coming to #InspirationClothesline Thursday, July 20 as part of a #Litfuse book tour but I'll tell you now I've thoroughly enjoyed this MYSTERY Amish Fiction series. Fun twist on more traditional Amish Fictionx
Really enjoying this story! Part of a blog tour with #Litfuse so the review post will be coming soon!