This is a valid point that about zero attention is given to. Just saying.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian #sexism #misandry #misogyny #equality
This is a valid point that about zero attention is given to. Just saying.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian #sexism #misandry #misogyny #equality
To be honest, I‘m not sure this is actually possible for anyone who has been taught that their way is the only way, and to question their way, is to choose evil.
Just think about it.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
I‘ve known so many parents - catholic, protestant, conservative, liberal - who hold this belief. I just don‘t get it. I didn‘t get it as a kid. I sure as hell don‘t get it now.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
I‘ve always had a hard time with the complete truth of the Bible, honestly. I enjoyed the stories as a child, but I never thought they were actually real. I think that was the biggest culture shock when we moved to Texas. Almost everyone there believes the Bible is 100% true, cover to cover, and 100% right. 🤢
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
Also this! If it‘s SO AWESOME being American, if it‘s SO AWESOME being christian, if it‘s SO AWESOME being whatever your religion is, what‘s will all the crap behaviour?
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
I know this is actually about the American obsession with circumcision (just think of the phrase “clean cut”), but it certainly applies to other things in this day and age - I‘m sure that wasn‘t lost on the author.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
I‘ve always thought this. I was raised in a catholic family, much like the author, and anytime I brought up a disparity in what I was being taught, my parents usually told me to just shut up… or worse.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
Equal for everyone, or it‘s not equality. Period.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
For my experience, the “free will” most christians taut is simply freedom to choose to be christian and ends at that point exactly.
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian
Because obviously my spirituality affects SO MUCH of yours. 🙄
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook #religion #indoctrination #religiousfreedom #righttonotbechristian