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This is such a lovely reminder that our modern view of always being productive and if you can‘t be productive, you are a waste, is not only false, but damaging to all of us. It is currently the real winter here in Northern Minnesota, but I‘ve been in my own personal winter since August, probably July. I was ready to hear this again, and I hope I have learned these lessons better for next time. We all know there will be a next time for all of us.

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The Guest | B.A. Paris
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Just when you think you‘ve got this one figured out… Just when I thought I knew what had happened and what everyone‘s secrets were... SURPRISE! The secrets are rather different.

This one is a slower burn than Paris‘s usual books. Perhaps her books are getting a slower burn as time goes on. I didn‘t dislike it, but it took a moment to realise I needed to settle in for duration (unlike some of Paris‘s others). It was well worth the wait.

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The Guest | B.A. Paris
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Taking this for a spin while I donate plasma.
#BAParis #TheGuest #audiobook #busbook #plasmadonation

The Therapist | B A Paris
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Not gonna lie. I‘m a little nervous by all the DNFs I saw scrolling through the history of this book, but I do love a good B A Paris mystery, so I‘m jumping in anyway.
#BAParis #TheTherapist #busbook #audiobook #heregoesnothing

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This author cites Wikipedia and far-right extremists. His points are valid, but he alienated the vast majority of parents rather quickly. When he started recommending Alex Jones documentaries, I was out.
#MarkBeaumont #UnschoolYourselfFirst #audiobook #busbook #education #dnf #bail

ravenlee 🤢🤮 8mo
ravenlee I read a lot of homeschool books/blogs; or I should say, I try to read a lot. Many of them get slammed shut in just a few pages, but it‘s usually overly religious twaddle that turns me off. 8mo
GingerAntics @ravenlee totally agree. This guy wasn‘t overly religious, luckily. My first red flag was citing Wikipedia. Where the hell did you get your masters, bro? Then far-right dudes. I was out. It was sad, he was doing well besides that. It‘s sad that he doesn‘t realise his arguments against brainwashing are left arguments for homeschooling/unschooling too. Too bad non-Christian kids are the ones actually getting brainwashed. 8mo
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This book is definitely a mental trip.
#YourBodyIsARevolution #TaraTeng #busbook #audiobook #loveyourbody

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Jay is seriously passionate about this topic and it‘s clear why. I think some people would feel he‘s too emotional about this, but I think it works for him. I watched the documentary he talked about and it‘s stunning how callous some of these doctors are. “Oh, you‘ve been traumatised by this medically unnecessary procedure? Get over it.” 🙄
#CircumcisionScar #JayJJackson #JayJacksonFeldman #audiobook #busbook

A Book of Pagan Prayer | Ceisiwr Serith
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I‘ve been trying to process this one for ages now. The first part is a good conversation starter. The second half is such a patchwork of pre-fab prayers it‘s hard to take them as genuine. Maybe if this had been done as a collaboration between the author and other people on the paths for these prayers it might seem more genuine and therefore be more helpful. By the end, my eyes were sort of crossed and I was just happy it was over.

GingerAntics I still feel “I‘ll pray for you” as a passive aggressive move or a way to absolve oneself of doing nothing at best and blaming others for things out of their control at worst has ruined open, genuine prayer for everyone. 10mo
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Started this one after Kim Jiyoung. Had been debating getting a new therapist, but by the end of the intro I knew it was time! I downloaded the PDF of the questionnaires and wow talk about clarity! I don‘t know if any real healing has happened yet, but someone is ready for therapy now. Very clear how both my mother and grandmother expressed their emotional immaturity. Talk about an eye opener!

GingerAntics I mean, I knew they were both abusive in their own ways, but I always thought of my grandmother as the mature one… the adult in our house. Turns out, NOPE! Just as immature as her daughter. #LindsayCGibsonPsyD #AdultChildrenOfEmotionallyImmatureParents #audiobook #busbook #mindblown #newperspective #therapy #therapyhereicome #eyeopener 11mo
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This was a really quick read. The end felt really sudden, but I felt like I got to know all but one character really well. I can see why this helped to start multiple feminist movements. Korean boys and American boys (just all the boys) should have to read this book and learn to understand Jiyoung‘s perspective. What a game changer that would be for all women.
#ChoNamJoo #KimJiyoungBorn1982 #audiobook #busbook #lovelovelove