I'm absolutely adoring the extra little bits and pieces you don't get directly from the show. It's exactly the same, just a few extras here and there.
#broadchurch #erinkelly #chrischibnall #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook #screentopage
I'm absolutely adoring the extra little bits and pieces you don't get directly from the show. It's exactly the same, just a few extras here and there.
#broadchurch #erinkelly #chrischibnall #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook #screentopage
I can't stop listening. I already know what's going to happen, but I just keep listebing. I have to get on with my day, but the show is so great this is just a whole new way to relive/rewatch it. I have zero problems with it, the way I did before, this time around.
#broadchurch #screentopage #erinkelly #chrischibnall #teaandauiobook
Loved the show, figured it was about time to really read the novel. I remember starting it once and thinking "wow that's gender normative" and putting it down. I saw it at the library as an audiobook and thought I'd give it a go again. The kindle version I have looks like the left, but the audiobook looks like the right. Here's hoping it's better than I remember.
#broadchurch #screentopage #erinkelly #chrischibnall #teaandauiobook
Trying this for the morning with my tea. It's almost just an episode of Classic Who with added narrative over it. I guess we'll see. lol
#doctorwho #thehighlanders #wherejamiefrasercamefrom #gerrydavis #teaandabook #teaandanaudiobook #teaandauiobook
5🌟 A fun little run through a shopping mall of the future. A good time was had by most. It probably wasn't too fun for those the Doctor had to take care of, but everyone else had fun. What would life be without the Doctor!!!
#doctorwho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant #autonomy #danielblythe #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook
Another Doctor Who story, because really why not? If I were going to dress up as anything for Halloween it would be either HP or DW related anyway. The best part is, this one is read by David Tennant's lovely wife. It doesn't get much better.
#doctorwho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant # autonomy #danielblythe #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook
5🌟 As if I didn't already know David Tennant is crazy talented, I think he did at least half of all the accents in the common wealth in this story. Most importantly, he did the Doctor voice. It was like watching a 2 hour episode of DW back in the RTD era. It was a great little story and sufficiently creepy for Halloween weekend.
#doctorwho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant #thedayofthetroll #simonmessingham #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook
Oh story time with the Doctor!!!
#doctorwho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant #thedayofthetroll #simonmessingham #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook
It's so great to wake up on a Saturday morning and enjoy an adventure with the Tenth Doctor...like old times. He really is rude without Rose, Martha, or Donna to keep him in check. lol
#doctorwho #tenthdoctor #davidtennant #thedayofthetroll #simonmessingham #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandauiobook