Again, different pattern to the storyline, (which honestly just serves to keep it from getting stagnant) and more history woven into the plot. An excellent conclusion to the series! #thetroygame #saradouglass #newfavoriteseries
Again, different pattern to the storyline, (which honestly just serves to keep it from getting stagnant) and more history woven into the plot. An excellent conclusion to the series! #thetroygame #saradouglass #newfavoriteseries
This one takes a slightly different pattern than the first two books, but it is still one of those books I could not put down! It took me forever to get this one so by the time I did, I devoured it in one day! #thetroygame #saradouglass #newfavoriteseries
Continuing the story of Cornelia and Brutus, reborn, I loved this 2nd book of The Troy Game as much as the first! #thetroygame #saradouglass #newfavoriteseries
I loved this book!! I couldn't wait to start reading the next one and then finish the series! Fantasy/historical fiction and a fantastic read! #TheTroyGame #saradouglass #newfavoriteseries