This book isn‘t in the Litsy database but it‘s free on Amazon today and it looks hilarious!! The blurb had me actually laughing out loud. One of these days maybe I‘ll make it through my fire tbr 🤣 #yaright
This book isn‘t in the Litsy database but it‘s free on Amazon today and it looks hilarious!! The blurb had me actually laughing out loud. One of these days maybe I‘ll make it through my fire tbr 🤣 #yaright
What am I doing on my last day of vacation you ask? Well I will tell ya! Watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and reading my book! What am I suppose to be doing right now? Cleaning and rearranging my bookshelves because they are a catastrophe!! Maybe this will “motivate” me to clean! 😂😂😂😂 #yaright