I thought that this book was really good because it was like a realistic fiction book but it was also kind of a mystery. I liked this book but it was really really long and it isn't a quick read.
I thought that this book was really good because it was like a realistic fiction book but it was also kind of a mystery. I liked this book but it was really really long and it isn't a quick read.
I didn't like this book that much because there wasn't a lot of suspense and I wasn't really into the whole mystery thing. However, If you like mystery and pranks you would like this book.
This book was very good. It the plot got confusing and there was a lot going on.
I thought that this book was very good because it had a lot of suspense and there were lots of twists and stuff. I also think that this book has a good theme. I also thought this book was very intriguing because of all the vintage pictures that are put in there throughout the book. All the pictures are very cool and are very fun to look at. Basically, I thought that this book was very good.
I thought that this book was very good. There was a lot of things that I didn't know about and it was fun reading about them. I was really surprised about how the book ended. But it was still a very good book.
I liked this book because it had a lot of suspense and you didn't know what was gonna happen next.
I think that this book is very good. It's is about a girl who was raised by a man with long term memory loss and a lady who owns a cafe. She learns about trust and she learns how to act grown up. This book teaches me about characters motivations and why they do the things they do. This book also shows how those motivations can be conflicting with other characters, other characters motivations, and how theses thug can be conflicting.
I thought that this book was very suspenseful and there was always a twist. I liked this book because in the end, you will want to read the next one. I also liked how the author made the main character be so distant in the beginning so that he learned more than one life lesson.