This book OH MY GOD just blew my mind! It was captivating from the start, it was funny, it was eerie, it was disturbing, it will definitely take a while to sink in everything that I read.
I was sitting on the edge the entire time while I read this. I found the first half of the book quite slow even though every chapter offered some developments or the other, it was the second half of the book that mostly ripped my heart. No spoilers but I found myself getting angry with Lily and that's what Colleen tries to answer through this novel - if anything, this novel helps raise awareness.
This is one book that I read just because other people raved about but I did not like it at all. The beginning was intriguing to me but then I just liked it less and less the more I read it.
Although this book is about the deep feelings and emotions that Aisha had during her last days, one cannot ignore the author's innermost thoughts in the beginning of the book. It's an easy read, very touching and has many takeaways. The epiphanies are very enlightening and are capable of altering perspectives.
Oh and watching #TheSkyIsPink after giving this book a read, made the movie all the more interesting.
My only motive behind reading this book was to have more insight about the case but this book had nothing extra to offer, it felt like I was re-reading an article. Apart from stating 3-4 unknown things about him, everything was repetitive.
I read this in January 2021 and still remember the chills I got during the read as well as after keeping it down. Ted Bundy, as we all know, is one of the most talked about names in the world of serial killers but this book has so much more to offer than what you think you know about him. You will start feeling different about him without you even realising it and that in my opinion is the beauty of this book.