I loved this book so much! it‘s starts out slow at but once you get to the action you can‘t stop reading it. if your into natural disaster books and adventure i 100% recommend this book!
I loved this book so much! it‘s starts out slow at but once you get to the action you can‘t stop reading it. if your into natural disaster books and adventure i 100% recommend this book!
So far this book is kinda boring. I haven‘t gotten very far into it but I don‘t know if I like it yet. This book is about a boy who goes on vacation with his family. After a whole of being there there‘s a tsunami. While this is happening, his older sister who decided to stay home is wondering if she‘ll ever see her family again.
I was reading this book last week and I can‘t say I love it but it‘s pretty good. I think the story is good I just don‘t like the setup. This book has exactly 100 words on each page out of 199. It‘s about a guy who lost his dad and walks all day to avoid truth. He also has a friend that went through something traumatic and he try‘s to help her get through it by getting her little presents from his job. Over all I think it‘s a good book
I‘m on chapter 5 of this book and it‘s alright, I‘m not totally hooked yet but I‘m going to continue to read it. This book is about a girl who‘s father was murdered by a mob of teenagers, the swarm. Two years later she finds out where the swarm plans to kill there next victim. She try‘s warning the cops multiple times but they ignore her, so she decides to take matters into her own hands. Little does she know, it might be her biggest mistake.
I just started this book today, I‘ve only read the first two pages. I was drawn to this book because of the title and cover of this book. I read the description and I thought it sounded interesting so I gave it a try.