Thanks Amazon!!!
“While it may help you feel refreshed temporarily, the relief won‘t last because you haven‘t addressed the true cause of your anxiety. If you let the temporary relief achieved by tidying up your physical space deceive you, you will never recognize the need to clean up your psychological space.”
“There are some people who have such a strong effect on you, even if you‘ve spent very little time with them, that they become embossed inside you, and any hint of them, any casual mention, creates a sudden stir in you.”
“People Like is in situations like this become hashtags, but they rarely get justice”
“Whose idea of a perfect job was this? Who ever longed for such a life? But maybe the pay was not horrible and the benefits half decent, and you made of it what you could, and somehow it let you live. She saw that she had no idea at all about the different ways in which people lived.”
As the grandmother, mother, and girl said their good-byes and went on their way, Perdu reflected that it was a common misconception that booksellers looked after books. They looked after people.
“A want is desirable, though not essential. A need is something without which you cannot survive.” The Doktor added, “If you cannot live without something, you won‘t.”
Racism wasn‘t about this person or that, this upset or that, this community or that; racism is, and always has been, the way America has sorted and ranked its people in a bitterly divisive, humanity-robbing system.
I became a chameleon. My color didn't change, but I could change your perception of my color. If you spoke Zulu, I replied to you in Zulu. If you spoke to me in Tswana, I replied to you in Tswana. Maybe I didn't look like you, but if I spoke like you, I was you.
Typical for a Sunday. Mathilde considered that she suffered more than most from the fairly widespread malaise she called seventh-day blues.
Creepy enough to give me goose bumps but didn‘t keep me up. Fast read