Starting this today! Hope it's as good as the other books! ☺️❤️
Starting this today! Hope it's as good as the other books! ☺️❤️
I read this book in just over 24 hours, I enjoyed it so much, it was fun and interesting to read ☺️
I DNFed this book, the premise sounded so much more interesting than it was, I didn't connect with the characters, they were very 2D and I found the storyline lacking
This book was so cute and fun to read, It made me really want to go to a convention!
After reading lord of shadows I have an urge to reread the infernal devices, I have all the shadowhunters feels right now ❤️😭
Gonna start reading this today! Heard good things, hope I enjoy it as much as other people have!
Have you read it? Did you enjoy it?
If you haven't read it, do you plan to?
This book was everything I expected and more, it was so cute and romantic but also dealt with important issues like self acceptance and loving yourself as well as dealing with mild autism / social anxiety / bisexuality and also had a Chinese main character which was refreshing, overall this book was just brilliant :)
I am so broken right now after this book, so much happened and these characters have been through so much already, I love them so much and just want them all to be happy 😭