If you haven‘t yet discovered Bernie Gunther, the German Philip Marlowe, you‘re in for a treat. Don‘t start with this one; this is the last one in the series and all the more poignant for that, since the author Philip Kerr is no longer with us. Bernie never disappoints and although it‘s not as evocative as the earlier ones, you‘re still transported back to a forgotten Germany brought back to gritty and unrelenting life.
Fairyvixen Just started this, it has excellent reviews and my monthly mystery magazine has recommended it. They also did a lovely piece about the writer Philip Kerr , am excited to read it, as if it‘s good there is a whole slew of previous ones in this series fo me to devour 5y
Fairyvixen Just finished Metropolis, not quite sure what to say. It definitely engaged me, using three overblown metaphors in one short description of a woman was a bit much. It was set in an interesting time in Berlin in the late 1920‘s a much darker version of Berlin than the one portrayed in Cabaret. Extremely well researched and mentioning Fritz Lang , Lotte Lenye etc. I couldn‘t get a handle on the main protagonist Bernie Gunther (edited) 5y
Fairyvixen He would one point very shy and unsure of himself around women and then the next he would be having wise cracking banter similar in tone to ‘ My Girl Friday‘ between Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. Will try another of his books though, if only for the well researched historical and political details 5y