Good 5 minute read
Good 5 minute read
I just started it so I don‘t know much but pretty interesting so far.
It is a book about a boy who moves away from his house and moves to a house with a big fence around it and it is called out with. One day he sees people in pajamas and goes to check it out.
Really good book don‘t usually read comic books but I really liked it it is about a kid and his mom is a drug addic and goes to live with his grandparents
I do not think me and the main character would be good friends because we like totally different things.
Hey kiddo is a boy who his mother has a drug addiction and he has to live with his grandparents and they are not very good at taking care of him and swear a lot
It is getting boring because I keep dying and read the same thing al over again
Good book can get confusing
Really good lots of action.