"What radicals have you ever known that didn't have their weekly meetings?"
"What radicals have you ever known that didn't have their weekly meetings?"
"But think, and you have to hate, because if you couldn't hate you couldn't love, and you couldn't hope, and you couldn't despair correctly. Not because of some fetish for symmetry, but because what matters above all is the utter.
What's hate but utterness, the unwordable with a bad inflection?"
"For there to be any political point to us tiny splinters, we had to distinguish ourselves."
"I blinked and said something about Hansel and Gretel, that following him talking was like following a breadcrumb trail laid by a lunatic. You said you liked the implication that most breadcrumb trails were laid by sane people."
"Joanna took Mel to Dresden, to the Frauenkirche. They timed their visit to coincide with a monthly English evensong. 'Firebombs not enough?' Mel whispered. 'Now we inflict Anglicanism on them?' Her giggles attracted attention.
'Jesus,' Joanna muttered, shaking her head but laughing too. 'Shut up.'"
"She drove my computer, pulling the information she had into various spreadsheets. She translated my muttered, vague ideas into charts. "This is called data mining." She said the last words in English.
”Which of us is the canary?” I said. She did not answer."
"I can't call for backup. For the cavalry." She thumps her own chest and stands taller. Thibaut steps back at the sight of her expression. "That," she says, "is what I am. I am what's been sent for."
"Can living artwork die? Can it live, before it does?"
"Fold over paper,” Sam whispers. "Fold it over and what might come out?"
"Should we go? Stay? If you can stay, stay...”
Thibaut was shaking again and not from cold.
"We remain."
"Jag tror inte jag klarar det här", sa han. "Jag är för höjdrädd."
"Struntprat, Robbie. (...) På den här höjden blir rädslan abstrakt."
"Ingen mening med att vara rädd om någons dörrar och lås om dem håller en fången."
"Livet kan vara smärtsamt. Men om du inte kan förändra det som har hänt i dag, bida din tid tills du är stark nog att slåss i morgon."
"Saken är den," sa Robert, "att om man öppnar oss människor kan man nog inte heller hitta bevis på en själ. Eller på vad som gör oss unika, för den delen."
"Det händer så hemska saker i världen, inte sant? (...) Och ibland känns det lättare att bara ge upp eller att inte bli inblandad. Men utan ondskan skulle vi kanske inte kunna göra gott, och att göra gott är det enda som betyder någonting."
"Om något behöver lagas ska vi göra vårt bästa för att laga det, kosta vad det kosta vill."
"Du har läst. Det är inte tillåtet att läsa på mina lektioner..."
"Jag tänkte..."
"Inte att tänka heller."
"De skulle dö långt innan de hann öva på sin konversationsfranska, dö innan de artigt hann diskutera vädret eller bjuda på te eller kaffe, dö innan deras perfekt balanserade kroppar slog i kullerstenen. Och vad hade man för nytta av gott uppförande när man var död? Ingen. Ingen nytta alls."
- Tycker du om att hjälpa människor? sa jag.
- Det beror väl på, sa Niko.
- Gör det? sa jag. Vill du inte alltid hjälpa människor?
- Såna jag gillar. Eller, äsch. Andra också, kanske, sa han.
"I'm just a girl."
"It is tragic how well you have been taught to say that with sadness rather than triumph."
"A full understanding was dawning, of how thoroughly he had been betrayed. She saw it, tumbling across his features like an explosion underwater."
“Some people, you just give them a scratch, and underneath, they‘re pure dragon.”
”On the whole, one should worry less about prophecies and more about the lunatics who believe them.”
”Det är svårt att säga om jag blir mer eller mindre människa av att vara här.”
"I'm named after my father's brother who died in the Great War."
"All wars are great if you're in them."
“Sometimes you just have to feel bad about a thing. Sometimes that‘s the only thing that makes you human.”
“I always think there could be trouble,” Miss Archer said. “That way I‘m never surprised.”
“That‘s probably less of a comfort than you think,” Sarah said.
“This was her home, her movement across it as much as the ground itself.”
“That had made Sarah think of her mother, who had also felt the need to teach Sarah a lot about a world where things might not be easy for her. Sarah felt that any world that needed this many lessons must have something deeply wrong with it.”
”As if there aren‘t ways around principles (...). As if you and I don‘t know how every principle and its opposite can be justified.”
"Dragons think men lie," her father said, offering an explanation but no apology, "and require at least one other to witness every legal agreement."
"Couldn't the witness just lie, too?"
"Of course, and of course it happens, but at the very least, the guilt spreads. Two men are compromised, not just one."
He shrugged. "Dragon philosophy."
"Det ända jag kan göra är att flina. Jag gör det när jag plågas. Jag kommer göra det på min dödsbädd också."
"The night (...) is become something of a giant. I seem unable to defeat it."
"It's called a Swiss Army knife. To remind you, you are an army unto yourself."
"But If you can learn to transform anger and sadness into something - into work, into kindness - then you will be remarkable."
”If you put your mind in a position where an idea can find you, an idea will always come eventually.”
"Det känns hela tiden som om jag är precis på slutet av en utandning, som om det snart är dags att andas in, men jag gör det aldrig."
"Ah, Lanny, my friend, look at these blank pages. Don't you feel like God at the start of the ages? You could do anything."
"Biblioteket bestod av två delar. Den gamla delen hade små torn på utsidan och en hall med stenplattor på golvet och en marmorstaty av en man som läste i en bok, medan den moderna delen hade en glastrappa mitt i salen och en enorm skulptur av ståltråd som föreställde en banan."
"He has tried to lose the memory of Dead Papa Toothwort. Like the last speaker of any language he has had to forget in order to survive, but some knowledge of it lives in his marrow."
"It's easy to miss stuff like that. That's why two eyes are better than one. No offence to the Cyclops."
"Men som vanligt är jag inte centrum i någon annans värld än i min egen."