This page might have been my favorite, aside from the ending.
This page might have been my favorite, aside from the ending.
This was the paradox: How would I ever heal from losing the person who healed me? The question was so enormous that I could see only my entire life, everything I know, filling it.
Excellent book! Loved it all the way through. I will definitely be searching for this author‘s other works.
This book is a beautiful work of story-telling art that showers deep respect on hardship, climate change, relationships, and resilience. Loved every page of it.
Every word of this book both destroys and nourishes the soul. An incredible tale of the depths of womanhood and how love and pain weave a good life. What every strong-feeling women needs to read.
"The painful things- Werenro's story, Re-nefer's choice, even my own loneliness-- seemed like knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place."
"My heart beat to the twin drums of happiness and loneliness."
Finally got a bookshelf and set up my books. Got all my Lewis on the bottom.
Finally got a bookshelf and set up my books. Got all my Lewis on the bottom.