‘The archangel sings to me,‘ she admitted, ‘to the tunes of popular hit songs.‘
‘The archangel sings to me,‘ she admitted, ‘to the tunes of popular hit songs.‘
Summary: two party systems are bad and the US should reform congressional elections by increasing the size of the House of Representatives, adopting ranked choice voting and multi-member congressional districts and by getting rid of primaries for congressional candidates. Seems like a good idea to me.
Not what the conspiracy theorists want us to think. Clearly the conspiracy theorists are conspiring with each other.
Finally got around to reading a book by Rushdie after years on my radar. The great fantastic awesome Saleem, who expects to be the most excellent individual of all time, is the twin of India... his problem is that his twin sister is bigger than he is. India calls the shots and Saleem is late to realize he is just a follower rather than leader of history. I loved his narrative tone, anticipating future events and wryly commenting on current ones.