Bigger than basketball. #ImportantRead
Bigger than basketball. #ImportantRead
Quite the opening. Starting #TheCityBakersGuideToCountryLiving today. Set mainly in Vermont and as a former Vermonter I get quite excited when books venture there. #FridayReads
My sister is raising readers. To help encourage and grow their love of reading, for the last 4 years I've created The Aunt Charity Book of the Month Club. This month my nephew received book two in the #CaptainAwesome series. This morning he had to get some reading in before the bus came. Great way to start the week.
Trying to pick what to read next. #ReaderStruggle #TheNix #Darktown #TheUndergroundRailroad
Where The Count ponders: What Would Humphrey Bogart Do? I am loving Towles "A Gentleman in Moscow," I hate that I have just 11 pages left. #AGentlemanInMoscow #Reading